on microdosing something else
Maybe you have been watching the light get lower in the sky, almost imperceptibly at first, pink, dusky, and then deep breaths of blue.
Or maybe you are like me staring deeply into the glow of my phone for hints of hope, life, entertainment only to realize that I’ve traveled millions of miles away from the sensorial experience of life.
Or maybe you are tracing the migrating birds as they munch their way through their flights stopping to gather resource, weight, and enthusiasm to keep going.
Or maybe you have also been grinding your teeth and laughing at a national conversation that volleys between cats and the most lethal fighting force in the world.
Or maybe you are calling fifty babysitters because your job and your kids school schedule mismatch by 40 crucial minutes and somehow this and ten thousand other things the weight of light pencils fall in your day and you get to be the person to pick them up.
Or maybe you are spinning and spinning and spinning because there is spark of aliveness so bright right now that you can dance like that.
Or maybe you are trying to bring patience to each step but really it feels like your ears are ringing with too many things.
I sometimes think like this, spending a short time in many moments, letting myself micro dose on the possibility. It’s not what I’ve heard people say to do when you are overwhelmed but it lets me travel. It lets me imagine many possibilities happening at the same time. It lets me be part of something that is more star and less hold music.
I wish for that for you and thank you for reading as things continue to grow and change.