Dear Chelsea. I visited a few of your latest instalments and really enjoyed them! This one especially because morning pages are really close to my heart as well and they have saved me from despair and confusion many times in my life. As you said, often I don’t know what exactly they give me but I know that whatever it is, it’s positive and constructive for my life.

If I were to define your newsletter I’d venture the following - “a slice of my inner life, and other things”. I find myself curious to see where all you will take me so I’m not too concerned of receiving a more elaborate description than that.

This medium is so full of surprises! I found that as I have got to know you a little through our interactions (however limited) I’m enjoying your newsletter a lot more and finding it a previous connection to you who live so far away. I already find it something to treasure.

I also resonate with the spiritual reflection in your writing, thought you’d really enjoy the writings of Dr Daisaku Ikeda on https://www.daisakuikeda.org/.

I look forward to reading more and seeing you again at our round table this Friday.

Warm regards


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